Our institute is an UNESCO associated partner school. We pay (more than normal) attention to sustainable development, the intercultural society, peace and justice and global citizenship the four pillars of UNESCO in our educational programmes. We already wrote a project proposal with
- Needs analysis on state of affairs of cultural heritage and touristic potential in regions
- Regional Communities of practice where VET, HPE education and tourist organisations take part in
- Analysis of good practices for instance for instance our approach with regard to the siege of ‘s-Hertogenbosch 11629
- Teacher training: Workshop Oral History
- Workshop Storytelling/scenario writing
- Workshop Photoshopping/QR-coding/Google maps creation
- Workshop Regional, Sustainable Branding
- How to organise a project week within the regular curriculum
- Pilots/multiplier events in 4 regions,
- Cooperation (also after project) in 4 regional communities of practice
- Project deliverables : Teacher manual with a description of the workshops and stories
- Website with back ground information
- Booklet with good practices/stories
- Regional CoP’s
Participant: Rob de Vrind
Koning Willem I College