Trips in 3 projects around Europe

“Buildings to see in Europe”: a fantasy trip around Europe to see famous buildings. Children plan on seeing one building per day over a week. This activity will lead to writing a postcard to the family.   “River Danube project”: shows the countries the river flows through or past…and other fun facts of the Danube and rivers in general. “Resonance Rooms – Aesthetic Learning Processes in Mumok” On the basis of the life worlds of the students, dialogues, discussions, reflections on and arguments with original works of art took place in the Mumok Museum. The aesthetic learning process is facilitated through language, music, dance and design.


Projects’ title:

“Buildings to see in Europe”, “River Danube project”,  “Resonance Rooms – Aesthetic Learning Processes in Mumok”


Participant: Barbara Urban

Institution: Primary School Karl Löwe Gasse