EUMETIS is a winter school delivered in French and dedicated to European Cultural Heritage. For 3 years, an annual 9-day session is offered through a mix of traditional lectures and reversed pedagogy sessions (class where the professor becomes the resource and support of students’ work; in-situ classes, world café) allowing to reflect and exchange on the concept of the emergence of a European Heritage. Participants are students (at master and doctoral levels) and civil society. The innovating reverse and participative pedagogy aim to foster new ways of teaching on Heritage. EUMETIS underlines the particular role of Cultural heritage in the past and future construction of Europe. Nonetheless, Heritage is a prominently European concept and challenge. Jean Monnet himself declared that Europe should have been initially built through culture. The module focuses around four axes: the genealogy of European Heritage, the legal framework, the patrimonial practices, and the challenges for tomorrow’s Heritage for tomorrow’s Europe. This module aims to create in Europe a unique nucleus on Heritage knowledge and skills
Participant: Thomas Guillobez
Université Jean Monnet