Eurobalades is an Erasmus+ project centered on Heritage that has involved students aged 11-16 from 9 European countries (Belgium, Romania, Italy, Spain, Greece, Bulgaria, Turkey, Portugal and France). The project had a transversal approach and teachers in geography, history, languages, sciences, art and technology worked on it. Largely it called in ICT as an application for mobile phones and tablets was created. The project initiated a process of reflection on the educational system in each country, and this led to discover and experience different and new pedagogical ideas that could be used in each participating country. Each school worked on its town and surrounding area but the exchange with the other schools made it possible to get an overall vision at a European level. The purpose was to help the students from the 9 participating countries to know more about their own heritage, to highlight it and share it with the other students and more generally with the inhabitants of the cities of the other schools. They had to carry out three itineraries that accentuated some aspects of the natural, cultural, historical and industrial heritage producing explanatory texts photos and videos. From these were realized a permanent exhibition, tourist booklets, an interactive website, a photography website, a digital book of art, posters from each meeting, six “European gardens” with seeds from the different countries, a multilingual guide-book and an application for mobile phones and tablets.
Project title: “Eurobalades”
Participant: Jacques Dassé
Collège Léon des Landes