The project idea we work on: training (KA1 Learning Mobility) “Ambassadors of Cultural heritage and heritage learning” for the education/culture education practitioners (25 people), who are interested in exchanging and developing good practices, methods, materials, tools, pedagogical approaches.
Aim: To develop knowledge and understanding of the importance of a Cultural heritage as an educational resource for the development of the local community. Heritage is not only a topic to learn about, but can be used as a tool in our learning process and as a powerful learning environment for the development of various skills and social competences.
Training topics: 1. Difficulties and challenges in assessing the impact of Cultural heritage. 2. Culture, identity and place. 3. Implementation of Cultural heritage based educational projects. Expected outputs: • Identifying Cultural heritage as an essential educational resource • Strengthening of national consciousness and sense of open-mind cultural identity • To establish a transversal partnerships and collaborations between heritage institutions/providers and educational institutions • To review the concept and the essence of the Cultural heritage education in frame of the latest socio-cultural processes of identity formation, participation, citizenship.
Project title: “Ambassadors of Cultural heritage and heritage learning” – KA1 Erasmus+
Participant: Aija Jankava
Olaine Secondary School No1