The project “Natural and Cultural Heritage: the Value of Diversity” is currently under evaluation for KA2 Projects. The partnership is composed by five other countries: Italy, spain, Greece, Austria, Turkey. This project offers the opportunity of opening to Europe, encourage foreign languages learning, get acquainted to other cultures and natural environments in order to deveop a European dimension and become citizens of the world. Stredni odborna skola Luhacovicebelongs to UNESCO Associated Schools, a network intended to foster collaboration, mutual learning and the exchange of good practices among the 50 participating schools in the Country and many other schools in Europe. Over the years we have managed a wide numbers of national and transnational projects on various topics related to cultural heritage.
Project proposal: “Natural and Cultural Heritage: the Value of Diversity”
Unesco Associated School Network
Participant: Jana Šuráňová
Institution: Stredni odborna skola Luhacovice