Our institution has participated sucessfully in several projects dealing with European Identity, such as Europe for Citizens, Grundtvig Multilaterales Projects and Grundtvig Learning Partnerships. At present, Institute FBI is involved in two Erasmus plus projects, but in other thematic fields. It would be our special interest to find partners and propose together new projects in the thematic field of Cultural Heritage. I am also member of IAWM (International Association of Women´s Museumsand, https://iawm.international/) I started preparing a virtual gender museum (www.museum-der-geschlechter.org), about which critique and suggestions would be helpful. From my education as historian and specialist in German studies (and also as an artist), the Cultural Heritage is for me personally of great interest.
In the moment Institute FBI is involved in 2 Erasmus plus projects, but in other thematic fields:
Participant: Gabriela Schroffenegger
Institut für gesellschaftswissenschaftliche Forschung, Bildung und Information