Heritage Interpretation & Innovative Practices

The current discourse on cultural heritage has, for too long, remained the language of experts which puts at risk its transmission to future generations. To address this challenge, a French inter-sectorial consortium was established in the Nouvelle Aquitaine Region. It brought together 21 different organisations, representing cultural heritage, performing arts, social services, tourism and a public local authority. The aim of this consortium was to gather together the best European practices in heritage interpretation and audience development to improve the skills of their professional teams.

As part of the ERASMUS+ project “Heritage Interpretation & Innovative Practices” (HIIP), 63 participants, mediators of cultural heritage in their territory, had the opportunity to be trained in new practices that are more sensorial, more creative and more interactive for adult audiences, as part of 114 mobility periods organised in 11 EU countries. The project provided an opportunity to develop new solidarities with the European host organisations and to contribute to the creation of a more integrated European society among the actors from the adult learning sector involved in the cultural heritage sector.



Project title: “Heritage Interpretation & Innovative Practices”


Participant: Vincent Soccodato

Abbaye aux Dames, la cité musicale

Sector: Adult education